terça-feira, 16 de março de 2010

agora é para cima

Ehehe volatilidade louca, sob os pretextos mais variados possiveis, mostra bem, como o mercado está perdido e qualquer gota dágua parece uma inundação.
Ontem o grande problema era a China. Agora nada mais importa vindo da China e as ações sobem baseadas na possivel recuperação Grega. Será que a Grécia tem o pib , ou a população ou o poder de consumo da China??.. pela reação do mercado, parece que sim !!...  mmm ... deve ter muito grego escondido naquelas ilhas... mas, para nós, pouco importa. se o dia é para cima, operamos na compra e enchemos o bolso do mesmo jeito.

Vejam ai a noticia "causadora" da alta nos mercados de hoje.

Stocks Rally as Greece Concern Eases; Swiss Franc Strengthens 

March 16 (Bloomberg) -- Stocks rose, led by banks, on dwindling concern that Wall Street regulations will hurt profits and speculation Greece’s neighbors will prevent a default. The Swiss franc strengthened for a third day against the euro.
The Stoxx Europe 600 Index of equities gained 0.7 percent at 11:30 a.m. in London, while futures on the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index increased 0.2 percent. The Swiss franc advanced to its strongest level since October 2008 against the euro. Greek bonds gained and the cost of insuring against default declined. Copper climbed for the first time in three days.
Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd diluted a proposed overhaul of bank rules, while the Federal Reserve meets today amid predictions inflation will remain subdued. European finance ministers worked out a strategy for emergency loans to Greece should the nation’s plan to raise taxes and lower wages fail to reduce the region’s biggest budget deficit.
“The idea is to give the market confidence that the EU would be the lender of last resort to Greece,” said Gary Jenkins, head of credit strategy at Evolution Securities Ltd. in London. “We shall see over the next couple of months whether this game of poker plays out positively for Greece when they next approach the market for funds.”

noticia completa no link http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aH.WvGNoofKQ&pos=1


2 comentários:

Almeida disse...

Bom dia, Ricardo!!!!
Onde estão aquelas dicas bombásticas de papiros, como antigamente ?

Ricardo disse...

almeida, estao la no site - www.arcotrading.com.br . cadastre-se la e siga o arco lounge no forum. é de graça !